- By only including 5 articles per site, none of which is updated on a regular basis, this site useless as a "current news or information" source. This is not a news aggregator
- If the users want to visit the site, each sample page includes a direct link to the site at both the top and bottom.
- Users have to store their links on their devices. This is not a bookmarking service.
- All social media sites are banned. They've hade ample time to "prove their worth" and they've failed. Proponents claim that social media can help with social isolation, etc., but instead it's become the internet rage machine of choice. Support mental health - avoid social media, get out, go walk your (or a neighbour's) dog, join (or start) a group in your neighbourhood, phone someone.
In other words, put the screen down and stop doom-scrolling already!
- Entertainment, celebrity gossip sites, sports and electronic gaming sites, and similar categories, are ignored. They have their own communities;
- Right-wing nut jobs and libertarian whackos are banned. No hate speech, no Elon Musk's Twitter 'X'cretions, no anti-lgbt crap, no racists, no white supremists. No climate deniers, no conspiracy theorists, not Trumpers.
Why I created this site (opens in new window/tab)
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